Previews & Comments

You can preview an article in your browser by clicking the preview button (bottom right).

Notice that the web address (URL) of the preview has a unique key (code) at the end. This allows you to preview the article on other browsers and devices before your publication is published without having to log in. You can share the preview link using the Share button on the top right.

You don't need to save the article before clicking on the preview button. The preview will show the current state in the editor. A new preview is generated once you press the preview button. Note that for the Print/PDF preview you do need to save before you press the preview button.

If you make changes to an article the preview URL will remain the same. The only exception is renaming the article, in that case the old preview URL will no longer work.

Social media sharing actions are disabled in the preview. You will see a warning message when attempting to share in preview mode.

Sharing previews with others

You can copy the preview URL and email it to others in order to show your progress. Or you can use the share button at the top right. Every time you save, the preview will be updated, you don't need to send a new link. The people who got a sharing link just need to refresh the page. 

Using the comment feature, the preview becomes an easy way to review your work with others before going live.

Mobile and portrait preview

Use the Artboard Selector at the top right to switch to the portrait and mobile artboard to see how your edition looks on different (mobile) devices

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