Subscriber settings

Your subscriber settings are for customizing the experience your subscribers have when engaging with your project. Every setting has a default and doesn't have to be changed or added. But we recommend to adjust the settings to your liking to increase the experience for your subscribers.

Global notification settings

The global notification settings contain the following input fields:

  1. Logo
  2. Reply-to-address
  3. Sender name

Choose a logo file that represents your project. This way your subscribers will recognize your notifications, and will be more interested about what the notification has to say.

The reply-to-address is used both for the confirmation e-mail and the notification e-mail. Users will be able to send a reply to the address you have given here.

The sender name is used to change the name of the sender when sending confirmation and notification e-mails. 

Subscribe settings

Subscribe page
Here you can change the way your subscribe page looks. When changing an item you will be able to see a preview of how your new subscribe page would look.

The following items can be changed:

  1. Logo link
  2. Color
  3. Extra CSS
  4. Extra HTML

Adding a link to the logo can be  used to link the user to your own website. Changing the color will change the 'Welcome' text, the input field backgrounds and the button colors. Adding extra CSS or extra HTML is not advised. But we give this option to those who would like to change the text or layout of the page even more.

Additional fields
Here you can decide if you would like to add fields to your subscribe page. Any additional fields can be edited by following the JSON file format shown below it.

You can also decide if you would like to make the default 'Name' field required.

Confirmation & notification e-mail settings

Both confirmation and notification e-mail settings are identical. The only difference by default is the standard values that will be used. You can decide if you would like to make your e-mail with a default or custom layout.

The following items can be changed to your liking:

  1. Name alternative
  2. Subject
  3. Headline & Color
  4. Message
  5. Button & Color

Adding a name alternative will change the salutations found in your e-mail if your subscriber didn't supply a name.

An e-mails subject can be important, because its usely the first thing a subscriber will see upon viewing your e-mail, change it your liking.

The headline of your e-mail is the first line that a subscriber will read upon opening your e-mail, change it your liking. You can also change the color to make it match your project style.

The message of an e-mail also has its own items and layout, consisting of:

  1. format-logo
  2. headline
  3. name
  4. edition-image
  5. edition-button

Your message contains these items with text to make your e-mails layout. If you would like to change the position of these items you can use '{{item}}' to reposition them. This is also described in the tooltip next to the message input.

Adding button text will change the button to your liking. You can also change the color to make it match your project style.

It is advised to only use custom e-mails if you have some understanding of sending e-mails to different e-mail clients. This is because every e-mail client has their own way of rendering the e-mail, and this could end up breaking the layout of your e-mail.

The following items can be added:

  1. Name alternative
  2. Subject
  3. Custom HTML e-mail
  4. Text version

Adding a name alternative will change the salutations found in your e-mail if your subscriber didn't supply a name. 

An e-mails subject can be important, because its usely the first thing a subscriber will see upon viewing your e-mail, change it your liking. 

Here you can enter your own custom made HTML e-mail. When entering the any HTML the preview will show you how your HTML e-mail will look.

Inside your custom HTML you can also add some items:

  1. unsubscribe REQUIRED
  2. tracking-pixel
  3. edition-link
  4. edition-image-link
  5. name

You can use {{item}} to place these items inside your own custom HTML.

The unsubscribe can be placed inside a href attribute. It is required to use this item so that subscribers can always unsubscribe if they would like to.

The tracking pixel is used for tracking who opened and clicked on your e-mails. This information can be found inside the Analytics page of your project.

The edition link is used inside a href attribute. The link will direct the subscriber to your new edition.

The edition image link is used inside a src attribute. It will make sure the image will look like the cover of your new edition.

Name can be used inside your HTML to say the subscribers name.

It is advised to also add a text version of your custom HTML. This way spam filters will go a bit more easy on your e-mail.

Push notification settings

Here you can change how your push notification will look for your subscribers. You also will be able to preview your changes. We have a preview available for the following devices and browers:

  1. Windows Chrome
  2. Android Chrome
  3. MacOS Safari

This doesn't mean your push notifications will only be available on these devices and browsers. There are way more possible devices and browsers that your subscribers can use to subscribe to push notifications for project.

The following items can be added to change the layout or availability of your push notification:

  1. Title
  2. Body
  3. Badge
  4. Web push certificate

The title and body should be short texts that describe what your push notification is about. The badge is only used on Android devices to display a small icon on the top of screen, by default this is a H5mag logo.

If you would like to give your subscribers the possibility to subscribe to push notifications on Safari for MacOS you will have to upload a web push certificate. Follow this guide to generate your web push certificate.

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