Getting started

Your first edition

In the H5mag studio you can find a list of editions. Every new installation comes with a "Welcome" edition, it contains some pointers on how to use the editors. You are free to play around with your Welcome magazine.

When ready, you can add your own edition. You can create one from scratch, or duplicate an existing one. Note that depending on your plan, there is a limited amount of editions that you can create.

The name of the edition will be part of the public URL of your edition.

Adding articles

In the bottom left corner of the editor click the "plus" button, you can then select a template for your new article. After this you have to enter name for the article that is unique within this edition. After a few seconds the new article will appear, right after the one you selected before.

More about managing articles

Adding content to articles

Content like text, images and videos are added using areas, which can be grouped together in sections. You can then add interactivity with actions that open popups and links. While adding content you can check your progress by previewing your publication. The last step will be to add animations to really make your publication pop.

Ready to publish?

Click the publish icon in the top bar
to open the publishcing center. 

Click "Edition settings" button on top of the editor, check the box "This edition is published" and press "Save". From that moment on anybody can access your publication.

More about publishing an edition

Further reading

Users unfamiliar with the H5mag editor are encouraged to browse through the manual:


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