Access Control using Microsoft 365

If you’re using H5mag Enterprise, you can enable the Microsoft 365 / Sharepoint Access module. Your editions can then only be read by authorised users. The module allows you to limit access to users based on their Microsoft Azure Active Directory / Sharepoint / Microsoft 365 environment.

Steps to take

Follow the steps below to add the Microsoft 365 Access Module. You need to have administrative privilieges within your Microsoft 365 environment. If you do not have those yourself, ask your IT administrator. 

  1. Go to and log in
  2. Open the ‘Azure Active Directory’ tab
  3. Open the ‘App registrations’ tab
  4. Click ‘Endpoints’ in the top bar
  5. Copy the value of the ‘OAUTH 2.0 AUTHORIZATION ENDPOINT’ into the H5mag setting ‘Authority URL’
  6. Go back to the ‘App Registrations’
  7. Click ‘New application registration’ in the top bar
  8. Enter a name (e.g. ‘H5mag Access Control’)
  9. Select ‘Web app / API’ as Application Type
  10. Use as sign-on URL
  11. Open the app settings
  12. Copy the Application ID into the H5mag setting ‘Client Application ID’
  13. Open the ‘Keys’ tab (click ‘All settings’ if needed)
  14. Create a new key using ‘H5mag Token’ as name and a valid expire duration
  15. Click ‘Save’ and copy the ‘Value’ of the newly added password into the H5mag setting ‘Client Secret’
  16. Save the Services page in H5mag

By default the reader will need to press a ‘Grant Permission’ button the first time they sign in. If you want your readers to skip this step (recommended for maximum readership), you can grant H5mag access to read the names of all users in the Azure Active Directory without confirmation, by selecting ‘Required Permissions’ and using the ‘Grant Permissions’ option in Azure.

Only allow a group of users to read the publication

By default, editions are available to all users of the Azure Active Directory who authenticate successfully. You can restrict access to the editions to a set of users.

Via ‘Enterprise Application’ > ‘Users and Groups’ you can assign users who can access the publication. First enable the setting ‘User assignment required’, which defaults to No.

Microsoft has detailed the steps for user assignment in their documentation: How to: Restrict your app to a set of users

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