Feedback Results


The results page is a feature of a feedback module that displays the answers collected from a feedback form. This page allows users to view and analyze the responses to their form, providing insights into the opinions and feedback of their readers.

The results page typically includes features that allow users to view the data in different formats, such as charts and graphs, and to filter and sort the responses in various ways. This can help users to better understand the results of their feedback form and make informed decisions based on the collected data.

Analyzing Answers

All answers are presented in a paginated table format, making it easy to browse through and review responses. The table includes customizable columns that can be hidden or shown using the settings button located in the top right corner. Additionally, you can export all data to a CSV file, which can be opened and analyzed in spreadsheet applications like Excel.

Reviewing a Single Answers
To view the details of a single answer, click on it to open a popup that displays all the answer data. This feature is particularly useful for reading lengthy user responses, as it can be challenging to read lengthy textual answers in a table format.

Additionally, the popup contains a direct link to the article where the answer was submitted, allowing you to quickly access the article.If you come across an answer that contains invalid or irrelevant data, you can quickly delete it by clicking the button located in the bottom-left corner of the popup. This ensures that your data remains accurate and relevant.


Testing Form Submissions
To evaluate a form prior to publication, effortlessly input your responses in a preview version. Upon submission, the form analytics page will distinguish these responses into two categories: test and real answers.

Real answers consist of submissions from users interacting with the published edition, whereas test answers are derived from the preview edition. To switch between the two sets of responses, simply click on the button in the top right corner of the page.

Filtering submissions
When using a single form across multiple editions and articles, analyzing submission data can become difficult as the analytics page displays all submissions together.

To make analyzing submissions easier, the feedback analytics page includes an input filter in the top right corner. By using this filter, you can easily sort and filter submissions based on the edition they were submitted in. The filter only lists editions where answers have been submitted.


Each question type has its own unique chart to help visualize the data. For instance, the like and dislike rating question type has a chart that displays the like and dislike ratio in a clear and intuitive way, with a red bar representing dislikes and a green bar representing likes. By examining these charts, we can gain a deeper understanding of the responses to our survey questions and make informed decisions based on the data.

Multiple Choice and Select
The multiple choice chart is a piechart where each color corresponds to an answer option. The pie chart can be interacted with by clicking on the answer options shown below it, allowing you to filter and focus on specific data points.

Star Rating
The star ratings are displayed in a user-friendly bar chart. Each star rating is represented as a separate bar on the chart, with the horizontal axis representing the number of votes and the vertical axis displaying the corresponding star rating.

Like and Dislike
To provide an easy-to-read overview of the like and dislike data for a particular question,  The data are represented as a green and gray bar. The length of each bar represents the number of likes and dislikes received, allowing you to quickly assess the like-to-dislike ratio.

The question types text and email are not displayed in a chart format because the answers provided by users can vary widely, making it difficult to visualize the data effectively. Instead, these question types are typically presented in a tabular format, which allows you to easily review and analyze individual responses.

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